Jesse Haubrich

Software Engineer


SaferStatus - a GPS enabled warning sign for Semi-truck Trailers

AVR/C/digital and analog circuit design/sensor data integration - Western Flyer Express wanted a sign on the back of their trailers that would warn drivers of the truck slowing or stopping to prevent rear-end collisions. I delivered 2 iterations of a prototype for patenting and demonstration, and the customer loved it. We were making good stride on designing the MVP for Chinese manufacturing when Clevyr decided to refocus on their core business.

MCP - Webapp to parse GEO maneuvers and notify operators

Python/redis/JavaScript/docker/Linux - I built and maintain a production tool that interacts with the National Airspace system allowing our operators to be notified and download a GEO satellite maneuver takes place so they can update WAAS.

The WAAS Brewery - 2 million data points per minute

Python, ZeroMQ, docker, Graphite RRD – I built a real-time monitoring system that captures and decodes network packets on our continental UDP ring. It captures the raw packets and queues them to be consumed by workers. The final product - realtime plots in graphite or any beautiful custom plotting tool that can listen on a port and parse json.

Ionospheric Monitoring - d3.js plotting

Python Flask/JavaScript – Live plots of ionospheric activity. It is part of a dashboard at the FAA. It is built on the Brewery described above, and used as an example to teach other engineers how to build web tools on the Brewery.

DEA Drug Busts - personal project

I coded this up when I was buying a house. It displays on a map where the meth labs were. It’s very simple, but people talk about it more than anything else I’ve done.